How to Deploy Your Next.js App to Firebase Hosting (Full Guide)

Learn how to deploy your Next.js app to Firebase Hosting with this step-by-step guide. From Firebase setup to deployment, host your Next.js app for free!

Deploy Next.js to Firebase Hosting: A Step-by-Step Guide

Youtube tutorial

If you prefer video tutorial, here’s the link to the video:

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Step 1. Create and write your Next.js app

This guide doesn’t focus on creating next.js app, but since we need some sample app, we need to have something to deploy.

Here’s a command to create latest version of Next.js app in current folder:

npx create-next-app@latest .

Step 2. Make a copy of your app’s code

If it’s your first time deploying the app you might mess this up, so it’s wise to have a copy without all the firebase packages just in case. Some ideas on where to keep a copy of files:

  • Stored in .zip on your computer
  • Uploaded on GitHub repo

Step 3. Create Firebase project and web app

First, you need to understand Firebase’s structure. Here’s a quick visualisation:


Firebase structure explained

In short: Project can contain multiple assets, like databases, applications (Android app, IOS app and web app) and many other things.

Now that you understad Firebases’s structure:

  • Go to Firebase console
  • Create a new project
    • choose project’s name
    • choose whether you want to have Google Analytics (if this is a test app, i recommend opting out of this, you can always turn it on later)
  • (Ignore this step if you just want to deploy an app as a test) Set up billing for this project. You need to change billing settings from Spark (free) to Blaze (pay as you go). Don’t worry, it will not cost you a penny until you actually start getting a solid user base.
  • Add a web app to this project (you can do this from setting or from dashboard)
    • choose app’s name
    • set up Firebase Hosting (check a box)

Step 4. Add firebase to your app

  • Add Firebase SDK
    • run npm install firebase
    • add a unique script provided by firebase at the end of step 2 in a file that runs your scripts or into a separate .js file in “app” folder
  • Install Firebase CLI
    • run npm install -g firebase-tools
    • run firebase login , click on a link in terminal and login with your Google Account
    • to make sure that you did it correctly run firebase projects:list and make sure that a project that you created in step 3 is visible in terminal

Step 5. Integrate your Next.js app with Firebase

  • Run firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
  • Run firebase init hosting
  • Answer to questions in terminal by Y or N
    • You are initializing within an existing Firebase project directory - Yes
    • ? Detected an existing Next.js codebase in the current directory, should we use this? - Yes
    • In which region would you like to host server-side content, if applicable? - Choose region that your app will be served at (europe-west1 for me)
    • Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? - No (out of a scope of this tutorial)
    • You should get a message “Firebase initialization complete!”
  • Run firebase deploy
  • After that you should see “Deploy complete!” in terminal as well as a link to your app.

Congratulations, you have deployed your Next.js app to Firebase!

In case you get an error while initializing firebase

Run Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Not your first deployment?

If you are deploying multiple times, you only need to run:

  • Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
  • firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
  • firebase deploy

Table of Contents

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