If you prefer video tutorial, here’s the link to the video:
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This guide doesn’t focus on creating next.js app, but since we need some sample app, we need to have something to deploy.
Here’s a command to create latest version of Next.js app in current folder:
npx create-next-app@latest .
If it’s your first time deploying the app you might mess this up, so it’s wise to have a copy without all the firebase packages just in case. Some ideas on where to keep a copy of files:
- Stored in .zip on your computer
- Uploaded on GitHub repo
First, you need to understand Firebase’s structure. Here’s a quick visualisation:
Firebase structure explained
In short: Project can contain multiple assets, like databases, applications (Android app, IOS app and web app) and many other things.
Now that you understad Firebases’s structure:
- Go to Firebase console
- Create a new project
- choose project’s name
- choose whether you want to have Google Analytics (if this is a test app, i recommend opting out of this, you can always turn it on later)
- (Ignore this step if you just want to deploy an app as a test) Set up billing for this project. You need to change billing settings from Spark (free) to Blaze (pay as you go). Don’t worry, it will not cost you a penny until you actually start getting a solid user base.
- Add a web app to this project (you can do this from setting or from dashboard)
- choose app’s name
- set up Firebase Hosting (check a box)
- Add Firebase SDK
- run
npm install firebase
- add a unique script provided by firebase at the end of step 2 in a file that runs your scripts or into a separate .js file in “app” folder
- run
- Install Firebase CLI
- run
npm install -g firebase-tools
- run
firebase login
, click on a link in terminal and login with your Google Account - to make sure that you did it correctly run
firebase projects:list
and make sure that a project that you created in step 3 is visible in terminal
- run
- Run
firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
- Run
firebase init hosting
- Answer to questions in terminal by
- You are initializing within an existing Firebase project directory - Yes
- ? Detected an existing Next.js codebase in the current directory, should we use this? - Yes
- In which region would you like to host server-side content, if applicable? - Choose region that your app will be served at (europe-west1 for me)
- Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? - No (out of a scope of this tutorial)
- You should get a message “Firebase initialization complete!”
- Run
firebase deploy
- After that you should see “Deploy complete!” in terminal as well as a link to your app.
Congratulations, you have deployed your Next.js app to Firebase!
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
If you are deploying multiple times, you only need to run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
firebase deploy