Best Template for Naming PPC Marketing Campaigns

Learn how to structure your marketing campaign names for better tracking, organization, and performance analysis across multiple ad platforms.

PPC Campaign Naming Convention: Guide for Better Organization

Why is naming your campaigns important?

If you are beginner in digital marketing, you might have a campaign or two running in a single platform (for example Meta Ads). But once you start to work with multiple platforms, you will have to keep track of all of campaigns that a running in each of these platforms. It will be hard to remember which campaign is which, make decisions about optimisation and budgeting.
For me, the moment that I started working on my naming convention was a moment when I was adding campaign to Meta Ads with assets that were already running on Google Ads. At this moment I realised that even though those campaigns have exactly the same creatives, copy and landing page yet they have completely different structure.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Let's take a look at some examples.

Example 1: Same assets, different structure

Let's say you are running ads for Joga school. First, you create Google Ads Search campaign. Then you figure that you can use same assets for a campaign in Meta Ads. In that scenario you can't just name both these campaigns "Search-Joga School", since Meta Ads don't have search campaign type.

That means that you have to figure out new name for Meta Ads campaign. Now your thought are:

  • Which name do I choose for campaign with same assets but different structure?
  • How do I remember that they both have the same assets (copy, landing page, etc)?
  • How do I make it easy for my collegues to understand that those are similar campaigns without scheduling a meeting or writing some kind of documentation?
Answer to all those questions: Naming convention.

Example 2: Exporting and analysing data

As a digital marketer, you should always make decisions based not on "gut feeling", but rather on data. That's why I export all of my campaigns data from various platforms (usually to a spreadsheet) and analyse their performance to make budgeting and optimising decisions.

Since it's best to analyse perfomance on campaign level, I need to know which campaign's results I am looking at. That's where naming convention also helps.

Let's imagine that you are not using naming convention and exported data about perfomance of all your active campaigns. Below is the table with sample data.
Campaign nameCostImpressionsClicksCTR
Demo US$40040,0008002%
Demo EU 1$40030,0004501.5%
After looking at this table you can't tell:
  • How to restructure your budget?
  • What funnel step needs to be optimised?
  • Which market brings in most conversions?
At the end of this post you will see the same table but with naming convention. I bet it will make more send and help answer these questions.

My naming convention for digital marketing campaigns

Of course, you can create your own naming convention for your own use case. You shouldn't just blindly use mine. But I think that the following naming convention covers a lot of pain-points and is quite versitile.

My naving convention:
Example of a campaign name:
EU-PRO-Product Demo-PMax

Let's go thought each part of this naming convention.


This is the market where you are running your campaign. It could be either country or region.

Possible values:

  • EN
  • EU
  • DE
  • FR

Note, that definition of “market” may differ from company to company. For some, there could be only 2 markets: local/oversees (especially true for small SAAS companies who focus on local market but also sell oversees).

Funnel step

Every experienced marketer knows the concept of marketing funnel. It's important to understand at which step of the funnel you are running your campaign.

Possible values:

  • PRO Prospecting, meaning that you are running campaign for new customers
  • RET Retargeting, meaning campaign audience had previous contact with your brand or ad
  • REM Remarketing, meaning that you are running campaign for existing customers and aimed at upselling
  • GEN General/generic, meaning you are not using funnel strategy and don't want to specify funnel step in campaign name

You can also use other naming of marketing funnel stages:

  • TOFU Awareness stage. Blog and social media posts, infographics, multimedia, videos and podcasts, newsletters, white papers.
  • MOFU Engagement & consideration stage. Educational resources, webinars, surveys, downloads, promotional material.
  • BOFU Sales & loyalty stage. Case studies, demos and trials, consultations, customer stories, events.

Campaign assets name

Possible values: Any
Campaign assets is one of the most important parts of this naming convention, since you might reference it while discussing your campaigns with collegues or even contractors outside your organisation (copywriters, designers etc).
Make sure to choose a name that is short and descriptive and yet is clear about it's assets. While choosing name for your campaign assets, take into account following parts of a campaign:
  • Landing page
  • Visuals (including ad creatives)
  • Copy, both on landing page and in ad creatives

For example:

  • Product Demo. Assets that show product demo and has a goal of gathering demo requests via a form on landing page.
  • Content Library. Assets that show content library, like PDFs, tutorials or articles.
  • Testimonials. Assets that show testimonial from Truspilot or Google Maps.
  • CSS Generator Tool. Assets that promote your online tool for generating CSS.

Campaign setup

This part of a template is specific to a platform. Possible values:

Meta Ads:

  • Engagement
  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Awareness
  • Traffic

Google Ads:

  • Search
  • Display
  • PMax (Perfomance Max)
  • Shopping
  • Video
  • App

So in my example "EU-PRO-Product_Demo-PMax", I can tell that:

  • Campaign is running in EU
  • Campaign is running in Prospecting step
  • Campaign has assets with name "Product Demo"
  • Campaign setup is PMax (Perfomance Max, Google Ads)
Even though this campaign name is rather short, we can still get a lot of information wihout checking it's details in Google Ads or Meta Ads dashboard. This improves productivity and better organisation inside marketing department.

How to use this naming convention?

Let's say you have multiple campaigns with same assets running in different platforms with different setups.

Let's take a look how a naming convention might be helpful once you have exported data about your campaigns from different platforms in a single spreadsheet. Following table has same data as above but uses naming convention.

Campaign nameCostImpressionsClicksCTR

After having a quick look at that data we can immideately say, that:

  • There are currently 4 campaigns running in EU market.
  • There are 3 campaigns with "Traffic" setup, 1 with "Sales" and 1 with "Search" setup.
  • All campaigns are running in Prospecting step.
  • "Product_demo" assets are perfoming better in EU market than un US market.
  • "Product_demo" assets are getting worse CTR on with Sales campaign type on Meta platform compared to Traffic campaign type,
  • "Content_library" assets are perfoming better than "Product_demo" in EU market.
  • "CSS_Generator_Tool" assets are performing better that any other assets.

Bonus: Ad Group and Ad naming convention

Now that you know how to name campaigns, here's how to name Ad Groups and Ads:

Ad Group

  • CAMPAIGN_NAME.ASSETS: Name of parent campaign's assets
  • AUDIENCE: Audience settings, can be similar to campaign's funnel step
  • ASSETS: Short description of assets inside this ad group (headlines, visuals, LP etc), can be "General" if single ad group in campaign

Naming convention: TYPE-ASSETS-INDEX

  • TYPE:
    • V1) static / carousel / collection / video
    • V2) square / vertical / horizontal
  • ASSETS: Short description of ad assets (headlines, visuals, LP etc)
  • INDEX: 2-digit number

Naming convention for all levels example

Campaign nameAd Group nameAd name
EU-GEN-Product_Demo-TrafficProduct Demo-GEN-Generalstatic-product_demo-01



As you can see, clear naming convention can help you organise your campaigns and make better decisions. Remember, that in the end the choise of naming convention is yours. Don't just blindly take advise of someone else.

Of course, you can have your own naming convention or simply modify mine. If you have ideas on how to improve my naving contention - contact me. I am open to suggestions :)

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Blog by Aliaksandr Tsykin

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